From the Chapter executive

Hello fellow Chapter members,

I am happy to share some news from the Chapter executive. We had very strong group of nominees for the interim director position in September. This bodes very well for the regular elections this fall. In the end Laura MacLean (Senior Appraiser with BCA) was elected to the interim Director role.

Laura was already an active member of the Chapter and the IAAO generally, helping to organize our IAAO Executive Board special reception in Vancouver in July and having an ongoing role with the IAAO Education Committee. Following the filling out of the executive, the committee appointed Brian Gay (Senior Internal Auditor with BCA) to the interim Vice President position. Brian has been very active with the Chapter from before it’s inception.

As the Communications Committee Chair and the U40 Director Brian has often been the face of the Chapter over his term. Please help me to congratulate and welcome Laura and Brian to their new roles.

Thank you,

Bill MacGougan

IAAO – BC Chapter President