The IAAO election will take place electronically from December 14-15, 2023. All Regular and Associate members in good standing will be able to vote in the 2023 Elections.
There are five vacancies in this year’s Executive Board.
Candidates may be nominated until November 8, 2023 using the IAAO BC Chapter Nomination Form.
Proposed Bylaw Amendments
The proposed amendments to the IAAO BC Chapter Bylaws has been approved fore release to be voted on by all regular and associate members. The amendments were compiled by the Nominations and Elections committee to reflect changes made to the terms for the Vice President Elect and the President.
Email ballot
On December 14, 2023, Regular and Associate Members will receive an email from Election Buddy with a personalized voting link. Eligible members who did not receive this email ballot or have submission issues should contact membership@iaaobc.com.
Certified Candidates
The following candidates will be on the ballot on December 14, 2023.