Putin says Russia has 'no problems' with Finland, Sweden in NATO


Comments ease off earlier Russian rhetoric about ‘far-reaching consequences.’

Putin to Finns: NATO instead of neutrality would be 'wrong' – POLITICO

Putin says Russia will work with any elected US president

Politikk, religion og samfunn - Russland - En tikkende bombe eller bare fjas?, Side 503

Sweden Joins Finland In NATO Bid As Putin Warns Of 'Response

Russia Raises Territorial Questions For Finland Ahead of NATO Application

Putin's plan backfired: Sweden and Finland are joining NATO. #NATO #fi

russian invasion of Ukraine/Reasons - Liberpedia

Politikk, religion og samfunn - Russland - En tikkende bombe eller bare fjas?, Side 503

Why Is Putin So Oddly Chill About Sweden and Finland Joining NATO?

Putin: Finland, Sweden joining NATO 'does not pose a direct threat to Russia

Putin says NATO is preparing to attack Russia - and warns aggression risks nuclear conflict, World News

Turkey says it will not approve Sweden and Finland joining Nato, Nato

Putin Says Russia Will Respond if NATO Bolsters Sweden, Finland Militarily - News18

Politikk, religion og samfunn - Russland - En tikkende bombe eller bare fjas?, Side 503

Opinion Why Turkey should not block NATO's admission of Finland and Sweden - The Washington Post

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