Cronobacter SpringerLink


PDF) The speciation and genotyping of Cronobacter isolates from hospitalised patients

PDF) Jejubacter calystegiae gen. nov., sp. nov., moderately halophilic, a new member of the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from beach morning glory

Cronobacter, the emergent bacterial pathogen Enterobacter sakazakii comes of age; MLST and whole genome sequence analysis, BMC Genomics

Cronobacter: an emerging opportunistic pathogen associated with neonatal meningitis, sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis

Cronobacter SpringerLink

Cronobacter SpringerLink

Characterization of Dev-CD-23823 and Dev-CT57, new Autographivirinae bacteriophages infecting Cronobacter spp.

Biochemical and molecular characterization of Cronobacter spp. (formerly Enterobacter sakazakii) isolated from foods

The Family Enterobacteriaceae

Diversity of Cronobacter spp. isolates from the vegetables in the middle-east coastline of China

Frontiers Current and Future Perspectives on the Role of Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Synbiotics in Controlling Pathogenic Cronobacter Spp. in Infants

The speciation and genotyping of Cronobacter isolates from hospitalised patients

Multiple origins of endosymbiosis within the Enterobacteriaceae (γ-Proteobacteria): convergence of complex phylogenetic approaches, BMC Biology

Cronobacter sakazakii Infection in Early Postnatal Rats Impaired Contextual-Associated Learning: a Putative Role of C5a-Mediated NF-κβ and ASK1 Pathways

Expression of rpoS, ompA and hfq genes of Cronobacter sakazakii strain Yrt2a during stress and viable but nonculturable state

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